Tuesday April 10, 2012

What Happened To Our Cheap Oil?

There is a real difference between the conservationists- whom we can thank for salvaging our natural resources from human negligence - to the radical environmentalists who value animals and plants more than what benefits human life.

By Alicia Colon

When I was in high school I learned that the price of oil in England was as high as $5.00 a gallon. That meant nothing to me because I lived in Manhattan and cars were totally unnecessary because of our superb public transportation system. Years later, living in Florida in 1972 gasoline was about $.24 a gallon. Today US gas prices are close to what European prices were decades ago and the question arises-What happened to our cheap oil? It didn't disappear. It's still here. We just can't get to it so why are we being held hostage to the whims of oil rich hostile nations? I'm no expert but the villains in this situation are the "Greenies" and our own stupidity for falling for their claptrap.

There hasn't been an oil refinery built in the U.S. since 1976, ironically the same year that Jimmy Carter was elected. He was responsible for the creation of the Department of Energy and the enabling legislation was passed and signed into law on August 4, 1977. Hundreds of billion dollars later with a budget of $24.2 billion a year, 16,000 federal employees and approximately 10,000 contract employees, we are no closer to being independent of foreign oil. That's how a bureaucracy operates - it produces nothing except a mechanism to drain money from taxpayers. Rick Perry was right; this is one of the agencies that should be scrapped.

There is a real difference between the conservationists- whom we can thank for salvaging our natural resources from human negligence - to the radical environmentalists who value animals and plants more than what benefits human life.

I met one of the good environmentalists a few years ago, Dr. Patrick Moore, co-founder of Greenpeace. He is one of the sanest people on the issue of climate change and the environment and that is why he left the environmental behemoth. Dr. Moore told me that many of his former colleagues were not interested in cooperation and instead favored confrontation, extremism and left-wing politics. "Environmentalism has become globalization and anti-industry. Activists have abandoned science in favor of sensationalism." Needless to say, Greenpeace trashes Dr. Moore on their website and calls him an anti-environmentalist who's turned his back on science.

This organization doesn't know the difference between real and junk science and is militant about demonizing those who disagree with their preposterous claims. Here's the latest fact, Al Gore, chief promoter of the global warming hoax - there are five times more polar bears than there were in 1964. The Globe and Mail in Toronto estimated that there are now 25,000 polar bears across Canada's Arctic.

Why the hoax? So the greenies could change our lives, our light bulbs, our cars and the way we spend our daily lives. So we don't allow private companies to build oil refineries that will keep oil prices low but we must spend billions of taxpayer money to reward Democrat donors with stimulus money to finance alternative energy projects that then go bankrupt: Solyndra - $500 billion; Eneri1 - $55million; Solar Trust of America - $2.5 billion; Beacon Power - $43 million; EnerDel - $118.5 million and many, many more. Solar companies are dropping like flies but somehow as they die they manage to shower huge bonuses to their administrators with our money.

Fact: wind turbines in Nevada that cost $21K each save only $4 in electric bills. Not only are they a waste of money they kill birds. Funny - I don't hear PETA complaining about them.

In spite of all the bankruptcies and failures of these green companies, Congressional Democrats still shill for them citing phony global concerns. After the tremendous damage down by the recent Tornados in Texas, Sen. Dick Durbin (D-IL) called for more laws regulating carbon output sending a dire warning that we must convert to hybrid cars or lose our life. reported that he said in a press conference: "It's your money or your life. We are either going to dedicate ourselves to a cleaner, more livable planet and accept the initial investment necessary or we're going to pay a heavier price in terms of loss of human life, damage and costs associated with it."

There you have it. Buy a hybrid car and they'll be no more tornados. How do people like Durbin get elected? As gas prices rise, President Obama gives speeches blaming the oil companies and speculators while failing to mention that he was the largest recipient of funds from BP which somehow got a safety waiver from his administration for their oil rig, Deepwater Horizon. Remember that environmental disaster in the Gulf?

Journalists know that the United States has more oil than the entire Middle East, but we're not allowed to drill for it because of environmental activism. They've ignored the news reports at for the latest oil discoveries. But do they ask who's funding these radical eco groups or are they too afraid to find out that it may be those who supply our current oil needs and don't want us to be independent?

Militant environmental wackos have done more harm to our ecology than a million gas-guzzling Hummers. They've prevented third-world countries from achieving a higher standard of living... and for what? Hypothetical futuristic disaster tales spun by Hollywood studios that hypocritically generate enormous greenhouse emissions in the process of making and publicizing them.

One of the great truth tellers today is Irish director and journalist Phelim McAleer who challenged Al Gore's facts shown in his faux documentary "An Inconvenient Truth".

Mr. MacAleer also explored the dark side of environmentalists in his film, "Mine Your Own Business" which clearly uncovered how little these wackos care about the welfare of people in developing nations.

Destruction of our standard of living is not the only result of junk science. The cost in lives is immeasurable. In the late great Michael Crichton novel, "State Of Fear" he decried the millions of malaria deaths in Africa due to the banning of DDT thanks to the flawed research of the environmental goddess Rachel Carson's book, "The Silent Spring."

DDT was harmless to humans but may have thinned the shells of a species of songbird so it had to be banned, right? So malaria which had almost been eradicated returned with a vengeance.

Fox News reported last week: "A deadly form of malaria has developed a resistance to the most powerful drugs used to treat the disease, putting the lives of millions of people around the world at risk." Millions of humans are dying so songbirds can live is the quintessence of radical environmentalism.

We need to wake up and see what being green has really done for our lives and those in developing nations. The planet will always survive. With the green police in charge, I'm not that sure about us.

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