Tuesday June 7, 2011

The Road To Prosperity Begins In 2012

Our opportunity will come next November 2012 when we can vote out our bribable City Council and corrupt state legislators. Then we can elect a new president and rid the Congress of big government spenders in both parties.

By Alicia Colon

The headline in the blared - "We Are on the Verge of a Great, Great Depression". According to a Wall Street trader who spoke to CNBC, "Wall Street is having a hard time figuring out what to do now that the U.S. economy appears to be sputtering and yields are so low." Peter Yastrow, market strategist for Yastrow Origer may be puzzled but for goodness sake, any person of average intelligence knows who's at fault for this economic malaise - a Democrat Congress and President Barack Obama. Their policies have been instrumental in crippling our economy but the scariest part of this scenario is that unless Americans wake up, Obama and his socialist minions will be reelected and then we'll be as doomed as doomed can be.

I'm no economist but it's a no-brainer that our decline began in 2006 when the American voters went gaga and voted in a Democrat-controlled Congress because they hated George W. Bush. Almost immediately, our unemployment rate started climbing and the housing bubble burst. Reps. Barney Frank and Maxine Waters along with Sen. Chris Dodd are on YouTube defending Fannie Mae mortgages and rejecting the GOP efforts to rein in the subprime loans which were made possible under Bill Clinton's administration. Everybody deserves to own a home even those who can't afford it, right? Couple that with greed and fraud and voila: the housing market came tumbling down.

As if that wasn't enough, government mandate programs like Obamacare (which nobody read) squeaked through Congress thanks to the bribing of the senators who got pet project funding and waivers. This bill is a job killer which small business owners cannot afford so why would they start hiring? Let's also extend unemployment benefits so that no one will even bother looking for a job. The idea of course is to ensure dependency, stifle entrepreneurship and crush capitalism creating a country of couch potatoes like those that currently fill government housing in Europe.

Remember those shouts in 2003 by anti-war protesters about us going to war for oil? Funny how that turned out because we didn't get that Iraqi oil, did we? Now gas is inching towards $5 a gallon in our country which actually has more oil than all the Middle East. Unfortunately we're not allowed to drill for it because environmentalists want to protect the habitats of endangered species that we never knew even existed.

Well now that we're the endangered species, we'd better start climbing out of this morass that we've dug ourselves into by our apathy, gullibility and just plain laziness.

My friend Carol emailed me the other day saying how scared she is for our country and when I told her that we can turn this situation around next year, she answered back that she's been told, "Obama is unbeatable."

Unbeatable? How can that be given the terrible economy and rising unemployment; the ongoing corruption of government officials; the appointments of socialists and Marxist czars that bypass congressional scrutiny; the Middle East missteps that enrage our Israeli and English allies; the continuing anti-white bias in the Department of Justice and the gross incompetence of attorney General Holder?

Here in New York City, politicians with obvious corrupt connections and a dismal record get reelected time and time again if they are Democrats. Congressman Charlie Rangel has been at the government trough for decades and was under congressional censure during the election last year and yet easily beat a very credible and honest candidate. Rep. Anthony Wiener is now undergoing a very embarrassing scandal that involves an indecent photo being sent via his Twitter account to a young student in Seattle. He claims his account was hacked but no one believes it and it doesn't matter because he's a Democrat and only Republicans resign at the first hint of scandal.

Young people are moving out of this city because the high taxes and a nanny mayor make it impossible to enjoy living here. Imagine what it would be like if a good Republican mayor on the order of a Fiorello LaGuardia or Rudy Giuliani took over along with a GOP City Council. Lower taxes, strong police force, limited business regulation and rescinding the sanctuary city status for illegals would go far towards bringing in a larger tax base. All it would take for this to happen is for the taxpayers who pay the bills to outvote the leeches and progressives who hold this city hostage.

Our opportunity will come next November 2012 when we can vote out our bribable City Council and corrupt state legislators. Then we can elect a new president and rid the Congress of big government spenders in both parties.

If the new government consists of those willing to cut government waste; explore and open our own oil resources; build new refineries; repeal the stupid green laws; stop illegal immigration on our borders; curtail government regulations; repeal Obamacare; disband the agencies of Housing, Education; Energy and turn their oversights back to the States - our economy will boom. The stock market will soar, employment will rise, and gas prices will drop. Those deserving an entitlement will be able to get it once fraud laws are enforced because we really can afford to help the deserving if the undeserving is eliminated from these programs.

At this very moment, the Republicans have a viable solution to our dire straits but they are very bad at getting their message out because the mainstream media is their enemy. In addition there are saboteurs in their own party who are more interested in staying in office than in helping the country out of the mess they in part helped create so they support the other side of the aisle with their votes.

The biggest weapons that the liberal socialists have are a co-conspirator media, deep pockets and voter fraud. How can we beat that?

The first thing we need to do is get off our rear ends and stop whining that all is lost. It is not. There are millions of us and we must pool our vast resources as the silent majority to fund ads that expose the media lies and support candidates that share our commitment to restore this nation to greatness. It can be done but it will take vigilance, a firm commitment and remember - we can still pray. If we don't stop this assault on our freedoms, we may one day not be able to do that.

Alicia Colon resides in New York City and can be reached at and at</em>

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