Tuesday April 5, 2011

Government In European Charm Offensive

Taoiseach Enda Kenny, and Tanaiste Eamon Gilmore at a press conference to announce details of the result of stress testing the Irish Banks (Photocall)

The new Irish government is embarking on a charm offensive around Europe in a bid to drum up support for the renegotiation of Ireland's bailout package.

The Minister for Foreign Affairs Eamon Gilmore is to invite the ambassadors of EU states to briefings this week, ahead of holding face-to-face talks with his counterparts across Europe.

Irish embassies around Europe are also being instructed to get the message out that Ireland is taking dramatic steps to rebuild its banking sector.

Mr Gilmore said "the shine" had gone off Ireland.

"One of the things that has certainly come to my attention since I have been Minister for Foreign Affairs is the degree to which Ireland has lost political support in Europe," the Tanaiste said.

"There will be a co-ordinated diplomatic drive by Ireland to win political support for the discussions we are having with the European Central Bank and the European Union," he said.

"To date one of the things we have discovered is the lack of that political support, the degree to which Ireland has lost its place and lost its respect and lost the kind of support and solidarity that we used to enjoy in the EU."

Mr Gilmore is planning a tour of EU capitals to push Ireland's case.

Taoiseach Enda Kenny and Finance Minister Michael Noonan will also be holding bilateral talks with their counterparts as part of the coordinated diplomatic drive.

Ireland is looking to have the interest rate charged on its bailout fund cut, but an EU summit last month put off a decision.

France and Germany are seeking concessions from Ireland in return for any changes to the bailout deal.

A team from the IMF is due in Dublin this week to review Ireland's progress under the terms of the €85bn deal.

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