Tuesday September 15, 2009

Are You Smarter Than A Fifth-Columnist?

An avowed Communist as the nation's 'Green Czar'? How did he pass the FBI background checks?

By Alicia Colon

Many concerned Americans breathed a sigh of relief when the Special Advisor for Green Jobs, Anthony "Van" Jones, resigned. The idea of an avowed communist as the president's "Green Jobs Czar" was not only alarming; it prompted the question of how carefully he was vetted. Is there no longer a requirement that personnel at the White House obtain a security clearance? After viewing the videos of Mr. Jones's radical speeches, however, I was more alarmed at the audience cheering them. How clever are the fifth columnists and how dumb are we that we didn't recognize the enemy?

When the Berlin Wall came down and the Soviet Union collapsed, we idealistically assumed that this meant we had defeated communism. The disciples of Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels, however, who were firmly entrenched in Hollywood, the mainstream media, and academia, cleverly adapted to an agenda that appealed to the naïve.

Under the guise of compassion for the afflicted, promoting environmental and ecological responsibility, and animal rights, the Communist Manifesto morphed into the progressive movement. The goals, however, remained the same: the overthrow of our capitalist free enterprise system and obtaining control over our economy.

The federal deficit through August 2009 was $1.38 trillion; the government has taken over the automotive industry and is trying to control our health-care system.

How's that for fast work? But the question remains: How on earth did we allow this to happen? The truth is that it's due to the systematic dismantling of our nation's ability to perceive deception. Consequently, all the propaganda merchants needed to do was manufacture the Bush Derangement Syndrome to invigorate anxiety and distrust to voters so that "It's Bush's fault" became the mantra for the disenchanted.

It takes a former communist activist such as David Horowitz to know how the game is played. In a September 4th interview with Glenn Beck - which should be viewed by every American concerned about where the country is headed - he maintained that Republicans need to stop sounding like businessmen and accountants and instead point out that the Democrats are in charge of the inner cities and have made a mess of it. "Democratic secret: to be the champion of poor and minorities while being the real oppressor of poor and minorities," he said.

If you doubt Mr. Horowitz's conclusion, consider the fact that nearly every troubled inner city is under Democrat control. I grew up in Spanish Harlem during the 1950s and saw how this methodology worked by politicians offering up the welfare state as a civil right, thus destroying the family unit upon which a stable society is founded.

Although the mainstream media is not covering the story, undercover videos last week showed how ACORN workers aim to import into their communities illegal and immoral activities. ACORN employees in the Washington and Baltimore offices were caught aiding an independent filmmaker with a hidden camera, James O'Keefe, and his associate, a columnist, Hannah Giles - posing as a pimp and a prostitute - evade the IRS and obtain illegal loans to set up a brothel and smuggle in underage Salvadoran girls as sex workers. This so-called "community" organization, which was once represented by attorney Barack Obama, receives millions in taxpayer dollars to fund the destruction of neighborhoods. Forget buying the New York Times or the Washington Post. For details of this story, one has to watch Fox News or log on to

The code word "social justice" appeals to those who are at the bottom of the economic structure, and Marxists target their disciples in the ghettos and prisons where poor education makes them the most vulnerable to indoctrination. Left-wing journalists and the academic elite do not have the excuse of inadequate schooling so they must be considered accomplices in the exploitation of these targets. Otherwise they would have cringed at the names of our president's associates. Once upon a time, these connections would have never passed a security background check.

It is very telling that the mainstream media never felt outrage at the fact that unapologetic terrorists such as William Ayers and his wife, Bernadine Dohrn, are now considered legitimate community organizers with alleged ties to Mr. Obama. The president's connections also included avowed communists Frank Marshall Davis, Mark Rudd, Michael Klonsky, Carl Davidson, and Raila Odinga. These associations are no secret to anyone who knows how to use a computer search engine.

If there's one thing Marxists know how to do well it's public relations. Look how they destroyed the anti-communist Senator Joseph McCarthy by connecting him in the public's eye to the infamous House Committee on Un-American Activities even though he was not a part of it. Recently, PBS ran a documentary on one of the Hollywood 10, Dalton Trumbo, a writer who was blacklisted for alleged membership in the Communist Party. Here's a seldom-noted fact: Blacklisting was voluntarily done by cowardly Hollywood studios, not Congress. They feared the loss of audiences and income due to the investigations. Congress was seeking out enemy infiltration in the movie industry and - considering the seditious anti-American tripe that studios now freely produce - their investigations were certainly warranted. Ooh, look! Michael Moore has a new film out targeting the evils of capitalism. Is he a communist? No, he's just a hypocrite who's become filthy rich, thanks to his latest target.

On Jan. 10, 1963, Rep. A.S. Herlong Jr. of Florida introduced into the Congressional Record excerpts of a book written by a former FBI agent, Cleon Skousen. It was called "The Naked Communist" and the excerpts were "current communist goals." Forty of the 45 goals listed have been achieved today. They include:

  • Break down cultural standards of morality by promoting pornography and obscenity in books, magazines, motion pictures, radio, and TV.
  • Present homosexuality, degeneracy, and promiscuity as "normal, natural, healthy."
  • Infiltrate the churches and replace revealed religion with social religion. Emphasize the need for intellectual maturity, which does not need a "religious crutch."
  • Discredit the family as an institution.
  • Use technical decisions of the courts to weaken basic American institutions by claiming their activities violate civil rights.
  • Eliminate prayer or any phrase of religious expression in the schools on the grounds that it violates the principle of "separation of church and state."

When it comes to science and math, I may not be smarter than a 5th grader but the fifth column now in power can't pull the wool over my eyes.

Alicia Colon resides in New York and is a columnist for Her web site is

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