Tuesday December 5, 2007

Paisley, McGuinness In New York To Tout Northern ROI

Shown here on the far right holding the gavel is the Rt. Hon. Dr. Ian Paisley and Martin McGuinness (second from right); accompanied by Kieran McLoughlin, President of the American Ireland Fund and Loretta Brennan Glucksman, Chairman of the American Ireland Fund (John Mooney)

By John Mooney

At an event that would have been unthinkable in the not-so-distant past, Northern Ireland leaders Dr. Ian Paisley (DUP) and Martin McGuinness made a joint presentation to some of America's top executives at the New York Stock Exchange on Monday, Dec. 3rd. It was the first event of a whirlwind week that concludes with a meeting at the White House with President Bush.

Hosted by Loretta Brennan Glucksman, chair of the American Ireland Fund, and NYSE Euronext CEO Duncan L. Niederauer on the first day in his new position, the breakfast assembled some of New York's most senior business leaders.

"It is historic to visit and present Northern Ireland as a great place to invest in and a great place to visit," said the 81-year-old Dr. Paisley, the leader of the DUP. "I want to thank the chief executive of the New York Stock Exchange for this very special privilege. "

"As I said when we formed the Executive, we are aiming to build a Northern Ireland where we can all learn to live together in peace as equals under the law. It's on the same foundation that we have continued to build business in Northern Ireland. We have entered a new era in which our first priority is to build economic prosperity."

Dr. Paisley stressed that while investment would benefit the people of Northern Ireland, it would provide a good return on investment for U.S. businesses. He touted the workforce (and its lack of labor disputes), transportation links, and business friendly infrastructures (Northern Ireland is one of the few regions with 100 percent broadband access). Dr. Paisley also used the event to announce a Northern Ireland business conference scheduled for next May.

"The best way to view the product is to come and see it for yourselves. The Deputy Minister and I invite you all to come, and we will treat you to more than a breakfast," he said, joking that Bushmills is located within his constituency. "When you come to visit us, you will see that our economy is being driven by our talented and highly educated workforce."

Next, arising from his seat at the same breakfast table, Martin McGuinness commented on the appropriate setting of the Christmas season as a time for peace and hope.

"I am delighted that our efforts on the island of Ireland can serve as a lesson for other places where there are conflicts," said Mr. McGuinness, a longtime member of Sinn Féin. "There is much good news to report. Unemployment is down to about four percent, and tourism is up dramatically, particularly from the United States. Only five years ago, there was only one direct scheduled international flight from Belfast; now planes leave for about 30 international locations."

The Deputy First Minister took the opportunity to highlight companies, such as Citigroup, Allstate and Liberty Mutual, which have set up operations in his area. He stressed that things have improved, but that "we are not complacent." During his speech, Mr. McGuinness hailed Northern Ireland's leaders for making difficult decisions to move forward after eight centuries of conflict.

"This display of courageous leadership and unity of purpose by two politicians from different points of the political spectrum in Northern Ireland deserves more than our praise; it deserves our active support as it makes the most compelling case for U.S. investment in Northern Ireland," said Loretta Brennan Glucksman in her introductory remarks to the room filled with corporate executives and potential investors.

Dr. Paisley and Mr. McGuinness were accompanied by Nigel Dodds, Northern Ireland's Minister of Enterprise, Trade and Investment and members of Invest Northern Ireland and the Northern Ireland Bureau.

"We have numerous success stories of U.S.-based companies doing business in Northern Ireland. For instance, B/E Aerospace in Kilkeel, Co, Down, now makes 30 percent of the seats on airplanes today," said Jeremy Fitch, a managing director with Invest Northern Ireland.

Clearly pleased by the positive feelings at the event was Ireland's Consul General in New York, Niall Burgess, who first disclosed the Paisley-McGuinness visit in an exclusive interview with the Irish Examiner USA last July.

"The chemistry between them (Paisley and McGuinness) is sincere," the Consul General said.

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